Why the title for this blog?

I struggle with staying positive in the sight of adversity. It is very easy for me to dwell on the negative aspects of my situation and miss the blessings that come from the trial and so I will use this blog to help me stay focused on the rainbows of my life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Desire, Strength, and Determination

There is a fourth member of this team, it is called endurance. On Monday, when my sister and I tackled the fencing, we kept going until we were done. It took us roughly four hours to move the fence line out.
I was glad to have her help as it can be quite a challenge to move the fences by yourself. The fence post driver is heavy and so I can not lift it high enough to place it on the fence post without bringing the fence post down to a level that I can reach. While Beatrice held the fence, I was able to do what I needed to do to drive the post into the ground. The process went real well. However, I paid the consequences of it yesterday when I tried to get the chores done and start work on my list. I found that I had little energy left, my endurance was gone and so I spent most of yesterday recuperating from Monday's expenditure of energy.
The lesson here is to find balance between desire, determination and endurance. My mind is willing but my body is not able to do all that I once did. The goal is to let my body get enough work to keep it strong and enough rest to keep it healthy so that hopefully one day, I will have the endurance I need to carry me through a days worth of work.


  1. One step at a time! You will get your strenght and endurance back but right now stay healthy and strong but rest your body so that it can heal! Hang in there girl! YOu are doing awesome! When is your queen for the day adventure? I want to hear all about it:)


  2. My Queen for the Day adventure is on May 8th. Right now all I know for sure is that we will meet at Americainn at 10 am. We will be going to a beauty salon to get either our nails or our hair fixed. At noon we will go out to Peter's on Lake Ripley for a nice meal. There we are suppose to receive flowers and some surprises. For supper that night they are sending us home with Pizza. What else may happen remains to be seen but I will surely share the days events with all of you!

  3. But it sounds like you're loving life again. That's wonderful!

    I'm excited about your queen for a day thing!
