Why the title for this blog?

I struggle with staying positive in the sight of adversity. It is very easy for me to dwell on the negative aspects of my situation and miss the blessings that come from the trial and so I will use this blog to help me stay focused on the rainbows of my life.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The latest CT Scan

My heart is pounding within my chest this morning. I am not sure why.
Is it due to stress or is it due to what is going on in my body. The results of the CT scan came back quickly and the doctors are moving even more quickly. No waiting to see the Colo-Rectal surgeon. He was only going to be in the office briefly today but they got me in to see him. I meet with Dr. Finne this morning at 11:30.
The CT showed continued inflammatory changes in the pelvis with fat stranding in the pericolonic fat. There is 5.4 x 3.8cm heterogeneous fluid collection in the left hemipelvis lateral to the mid sigmoid colon which contains gas and a relatively thick wall. The radiologist said that it is consistent with an abscess. There are other changes noted as well that suggest to me that I am going to end up in surgery.
The scan was not all fraught with bad news however ans so I want to share the good news with you too!

The tumor- nothing left but a little bit of soft scar tissue! The enlarged lymph nodes in that area have shrunk. The largest one now measures 14mm .
My heart is in good shape. The liver and spleen are normal in size and texture. There are no focal liver or splenic lesions. There are no pulmonary infiltrate or pleural effusion seen. There is no bowel obstruction. The adrenal glands, pancreas and kidneys appear unremarkable. That is all good news!

So, there is hope. Even if I have to have surgery to get rid of the rest of the problems that have developed this past three months, I hold onto the Lord's promise that in the resurrection I will be given a whole new body that will be made perfect.The Lord does not lie and so I can take comfort in His word and know that this time shall pass and my spirit will not be bound by an imperfect body.

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