Why the title for this blog?

I struggle with staying positive in the sight of adversity. It is very easy for me to dwell on the negative aspects of my situation and miss the blessings that come from the trial and so I will use this blog to help me stay focused on the rainbows of my life.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One Step at aTime

This past month has been perhaps the roughest month of the last eight as far as my physical health goes. Just after my last round of Rituxin and then Chemotherapy I started having a lot of lower bowel pain. I started with the nausea and vomiting not quite a week later. The pain in the lower bowel increased. I had an episode of extreme dizziness and almost passed out while in the bathroom. I lowered myself to the floor figuring that if I was going to hit the concrete I'd be safer getting as close to it as I could get. I managed to get onto my hands and knees and kept my eyes closed and started to crawl for the recliner in the living room. As I crawled I prayed that someone would find me and help me. A knock came on the door at the very moment I asked! It was the Fed- Ex man and he had a package for us. I yelled out for his help and he came in. He called 911 and then stayed with me until the ambulance got here. The dizziness went away as I was sitting in the recliner. I was taken to the hospital and tests were run. My oxygen level was low and the carbon dioxide levels were high but other than that every thing seemed to be okay. Except I still had pain in the pelvic region. It was determined that maybe I was dehydrated and so they pumped me full of fluids. The next day I went to see my family doctor as the pain was still there and I was feeling much worse.
More tests and everything still seemed okay. It was determined that maybe I still needed more water so I was sent back over to the hospital and given a huge bag of fluids. When that failed to relieve the pain I was handed a couple of enema's and told that perhaps I was constipated from all the medications I was taking. I tried one but no relief came. It wasn't the problem. I decided to just deal with the pain until the following Monday, when I was scheduled for my PET scan.
Perhaps that would show what was going on. I got my Pet Scan om July 26th and the waiting began. By this time I was getting relief from the pain by taking extra strength Tylenol and sleeping it off.

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