Why the title for this blog?

I struggle with staying positive in the sight of adversity. It is very easy for me to dwell on the negative aspects of my situation and miss the blessings that come from the trial and so I will use this blog to help me stay focused on the rainbows of my life.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Feeling Good Today

I am feeling pretty good today! I have been able to get quite a bit accomplished and even managed a nap this morning. I am going to have a busy afternoon. I have to go into town to try to get something set up as far as financial things go or we are going to be in big trouble real quick. The cancer treatments and medications are wiping out our health spending account rapidly. My nurse suggested that I talk with Social Services to see if they might be able to help us. It is going to come down to having to make some very tough choices as to which bills get taken care of first.
We have tried so hard to get out of debt and it seems like the harder we try the deeper we sink. I feel like I am failing Brian. He works so hard to keep us afloat and I am like an anchor holding him under water.
I can't go there- or I'll drown in self-pity.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling good! Good luck with financial matters.

    P.S. You aren't failing Dad. By fighting your cancer and staying alive, you're keeping him (and us) afloat.

  2. Mom you give so much love and all of who you are everyday that there is no way you could fail dad or any of us. You have SO selfless it is now time for all of us to show how much we LOVE you! MWA
