Why the title for this blog?

I struggle with staying positive in the sight of adversity. It is very easy for me to dwell on the negative aspects of my situation and miss the blessings that come from the trial and so I will use this blog to help me stay focused on the rainbows of my life.

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15,2010 Lab Results

For the most part my lab work came back looking good. My white counts are low and that was expected. I looked back at last months labs for this time and they are pretty much the same with some slight improvements this time around.
The one thing that did not come back okay was my protime. Normally blood clots in 9- 10.8 seconds. Today it took mine 43.6 seconds so that means that my blood is too thin. I was told to not take my Warfarin tonight and to go to the hospital if I start having any bleeding issues. I'm not to use a tooth brush and I am to avoid using sharp objects that could cut or puncture the skin. For tonight we will have a prepackaged dinner.

I am scheduled for my next round of CHemo next Monday.

I also had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon today. He has released me from my 20 pound weight restrictions so I'll be taking over the chores again. Brian is going to be one happy man to be done with the chores!


  1. That sounds scary with blood not clotting! And I'm happy you can work and do what you love again!

  2. I'm glad your restriction is lifted. I know how much you love being able to take care of the geese and chickens. I've been praying you'll still have strength to do the garden, I know it's your passion.
