As you may or may not know, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. Some people refer to us as Mormons. We believe that Joseph Smith was called of God to be a prophet and that it was his mission in life to restore the truths that had been lost from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In February of 1833, Joseph was given a revelation that would become known as the "Word of Wisdom". It was a revelation that was given concerning our diets and the diets of animals.
In that revelation we are promised that if we would follow those rules and keep God's commandments that we would be blessed with "health in the navel and marrow in the bones". SO here I sit with cancer in my abdomen and in my bones and it seems like what I have been taught is not true but I am telling you it IS true. It seems like a contradiction but it isn't. It was ignorance that has brought me to the place where I am at today.
I have read and reread the "Word of Wisdom" and I have been given many books on food and nutrition to read. As I have poured over these materials the one thing that I have learned is that foods should be consumed as close to natural as possible. From my canning books I have learned that heat destroys certain enzymes in the foods that would otherwise cause them to ferment and spoil. From other books I have learned that those enzymes are there for a purpose, they aide in the digestion and absorption of the vitamins and minerals in the foods we eat. I have really tried to live the "Word of Wisdom" but I have discovered a couple of things. In the Word of Wisdom, the phrase,"in the season thereof" is repeated two times. Once when talking about the consumption of herbs/plants and the other when talking about the consumption of fruits.As I have read through other literature about nutrition I have discovered that "in the season thereof" may very well mean eating our fruits and vegetables raw so that we are not destroying the very enzymes, vitamins and minerals that we need to sustain optimal health.
I have also learned that refined foods are not good for the body. I have loved my sweets and refined white flour/sugar products from when I was a young girl and have discovered that they actually feed cancer cells. I also was raised on a meat and potato type diet and discovered that although meat is not bad for you it needs to be eaten very sparingly. Something that the Word of Wisdom also cautions us about. So I have adjustments to my diet that I must make. I also have to adjust my food preservation methods so that I am not destroying the foods that I preserve and I need to eat more fruits and vegetables "in the season thereof".
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Wh you cut it right down cancer is mostly the sugar, Candida an garbage we put into our system. That's why alot of the cleanses and herbs and oils heal and get rid of the cancer.