Why the title for this blog?

I struggle with staying positive in the sight of adversity. It is very easy for me to dwell on the negative aspects of my situation and miss the blessings that come from the trial and so I will use this blog to help me stay focused on the rainbows of my life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Radiology Report

I got the radiologists report today. The CT scan showed blood clots in the right axillary, subclavian and cephalic veins. There is a fibrin sheath around the right subclavian Port-A-Cath with luminal narrowing of the right brachiocephalic vein by 40 to 50 %. This fibrin sheath covers the outside of the catheter and is obstructing the opening into the superior vena cava. The contrast did not flow freely away from the tip of the catheter but instead traveled retrograde along the walls of the port- a-cath in a cephalad direction. It is consistent with the passage of the contrast between the catheter wall and the fibrin sheath. Basically, the catheter and the port are blocked by this fibrin sheath, which is why they can not get blood from the port and why it takes so long for it to empty. The nurse told me that to clear the blockage from the catheter they will have to give me the same medication that they would give some one who is having a heart attack.
These problems apparently are not normal and they do not see them very often. There are three blood clotting disorders that they are checking me for. Some are genetic and some are aquired. They drew the blood out of my arm for those tests yesterday and we are still awaitint the results of those tests.
I have been receiving an anti coagulant by injection every day since Tuesday. The nurse has been giving me that injection but today she turned that job over to me and so I gave my first injection into my abdomen today. It went well. I'll get my blood checked tomorrow and fairly frequently to make sure that it doesn't get too thin. I will take these injections through the weekend and supposedly by Monday my blood should be thin enough to receive more chemo. I am not very enthused about taking drugs that make my blood coagulate and form clots. I cried a good portion of last night. Brian hates nursing homes and will not go in them. I asked him if he would come and visit with me if I were to end up in one because of a stroke or a heart attack. I don't think he would- he didn't answer that question. I cried myself to sleep.
I visited with my Dad this afternoon and it gave me a lot of comfort just to hold his hand and to talk to him. I love my Dad!
I got a call last night from one of the ladies that I help and she was having a tough night so I promised her a visit today. All the ladies and the staff gave me a big hug and it felt so good. We had a wonderful visit. I love them all and am blessed to have such great friends.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Mom. What news. I'm so sorry. I hope things go up from here. We're praying for you!
