Why the title for this blog?

I struggle with staying positive in the sight of adversity. It is very easy for me to dwell on the negative aspects of my situation and miss the blessings that come from the trial and so I will use this blog to help me stay focused on the rainbows of my life.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Round One

The first round is done and I am still standing. I got hit with a couple good blows but I was able to bounce back. I am sure that it was because of all the prayers that have been said for me and the medications that were prescribed that it went so well.

Round two starts Monday. I kept a very good journal of my first round and so it should help to prepare me for the second round. The key to preventing some of the side- effects is to make sure that I drink at least 80 ounces of fluid each day. Day three and four of the first round were where I felt like my body was on fire.My mouth got real sore but I didn't develop open wounds. A lot of cold water to the body and cold fluids to the mouth helped to deal with that. The second week was elimination week of the chemicals and they made my bowels sore. It made my stools loose and extremely acidic. Drinking apple juice and eating homemade custard helped to tame it a bit. I am also on an antacid to help with that problem.

I have been staying at my sisters house in town during this first round for a number of reasons. Since things went so well I believe I will come back home to the farm for round two. I spoke with Brian about it this morning and I believe he is happy that I am coming back home. The doctor still has me on a twenty pound weight restriction so Brian will still have to carry some of my work load but he will not have to cook,clean, do laundry or dishes and I know that will make him happy.


  1. I am glad to hear that you are doing well and I am glad that you havr a great medical team and good friends to help you through this. Hang in there!

    Love ya
    Denise and clan

  2. I'm glad you'll be home again! Somehow, always, there's no place like home. I hope it goes well!
